Business outlook in Automotive Cybersecurity Market


Automotive Cybersecurity Market- Business Outlook

Business outlook in Automotive Cybersecurity Market include Autonomous driving, Connectivity, EVs, and Shared mobility which are components of the automotive industry. Digitalization has given the automotive sector a significant structural change. The Mobility-as-a-Service model has added to the demand & growth of the automotive industry.

Next-generation vehicles are being developed as sophisticated cyber-physical platforms. To meet the growing demand for smart services vehicle architectures are being redefined. For security and leisure purposes new models are being aligned with advanced technologies. The gap between changing consumer demand and the existing technology can be mapped using Global Market Database.

The technology serves as a cloud-based market research tool that generates free market research reportson Global Automotive Cybersecurity Market. The business outlook procured via this Market Database are highly relevant since it studies the shift in line with changing market trends.

Business Outlook of Global Automotive Cybersecurity Market

The initial consumer necessity were vehicle safety and security. This implies not only safeguarding its passengers but also preventing accidents. This, it has accelerated market growth of advanced systems over the past decade. Today, vehicles come with automated cooling and tailgate opening. Also, seating adjustments with memory is available in intelligent vehicles. Performance monitoring system keeps the driver updated about the metrics of its vehicles. With an infotainment system, GPS, voice assistant, and connectivity, vehicles have become efficient. The growth in technologies like infotainment systems and performance monitoring as well as its implications on automotive cybersecurity can also be mapped using Global Market Database. The platform provides free market data across 600+ markets and 12 different industries. Another consumer requirement that is seen to drive the growth in the integration of ICT infrastructure with Automotive market is the rise in the need for connectivity.

More value-added services requiring network connections are being offered by car manufacturers and this is an important trend in the automotive business outlook. Connectivity features like Bluetooth connectivity are also important consumer considerations and are driving the Global Automotive Cybersecurity Market Outlook. This requires a high-end level of connectivity anytime at any place. These requirements have led to electronic automotive architectures. These architectures are sophisticated and broad when compared to other industries. Compared with Windows 7 or a Boeing 787, the modern high-end car program is about 100 million lines of code. Holding so many lines of code exposes to certain vulnerabilities. They are more likely to pose security risks. The restraints associated with high end advanced coding and its impact on consumer behavior can be studied using the segment highlights portrayed by Global Market Database. The system makes use of Dynamic Market Data (DMD) to procure relevant market numbers.

Modern cars are being fitted with 70 electronic control units (ECUs) on average. These ECUs provide advanced vehicle connectivity. These ECUs have been linked via serial buses. They use a de-facto standard protocol called the Controller Area Network to interact. Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure short-range communication are recent developments in the automotive cybersecurity. Vehicle-to-Internet connectivity via an embedded modem or Bluetooth, has added to the advancements.

The increased requirement for connectivity amongst devices is now encouraging the integration of an ICT based framework in automotive. Therefore, technology innovators can make use of a free market research tool like Global Market Database to understand the impacts of the existing technology on the market database.

Connected vehicle technology also includes external mobile communication. These mobile communications include smartphones and tablet PCs. One such example is OpenXC from Ford Motors. It collects rich vehicle data from (OBD-II port) and transmits it via a vehicle interface to Android devices.

For years systems inside the vehicle were being programmed to be disconnected. The data was being shared only inside the vehicle environment. Now they are being linked to billions of devices, computers, worldwide while on the run. Car manufacturers or OEMs can reinforce the protection of some of these links. But the situation can introduce a new level of risk. The risk assessment associated with the rise in network collaboration as well as integration can be mapped using Global Market Database. The market competitiveness of existing technology and its design flaws can be rectified by analyzing consumer behavior. Free market research tools like Global Market Database serve as a cloud based market research that deciphers the change in market trends.

What if there was corruption in the embedded systems driving the brakes, controlling geo-positioning, or managing lane follow-up? This could lead to an accident. This can not only affect the people transported by the vehicle, but also the people and goods in the area. The connectivity of vehicles has led to safety issues. This scenario may seem like a security issue. But unauthorised access to vehicle data has become a safety concern. These are the kind of questions which are expected to be answered in the business outlook in automotive sector.

RiskIQ reported that malicious mobile applications are becoming common. In 2013, 12.7% of all Google Play applications seem to have been malicious. Most vehicles today pair with smartphones via Bluetooth connectivity. With the number of Bluetooth-enabled vehicles the probability of positive automotive attacks increases. This, in turn, can is being used as pathways for the attack. Existing vehicle systems design lag security considerations. This absence has made vehicles susceptible to cyberattacks.

Such incidents are being acknowledged by the automotive industry. Experts are participating in the creation of industry standards. The impacts of these collaborations on the market dynamics are provided on Global Market Database. The motive for the creation of these industry standards is to resolve automotive cybersecurity challenges and safeguard their assets. A committee draft of the ‘ISO-SAE AWI 21434 Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering’ standard has been set. The draft was a work of a joint working group of the standardization organizations ISO and SAE. The standard focuses on the safety engineering of automotive systems. Additional specifications, guidelines, and guidance documents are under development or are already released.

The regulations on automotive cybersecurity are compulsory in the European Union. All new vehicles to produce in EU from July 2024 onwards would follow the same regulations. Japan and Korea have agreed to enforce the legislation on a timetable of their own. For North American automakers, the regulations do not comply. The WP.29 regulation specifies the type-based vehicle approval criteria for automotive cybersecurity. The vehicle includes cars, vans, trucks, and buses. The regulation specifies the enforcement certificate for the Cyber Security Management System (CSMS). The CSMS refers to the system that supports the manufacturer’s cybersecurity. To ensure vehicle safety, it requires to follow each procedure, operation, and workforce.

The vehicle safety protocols and the regulations that modulate the growth of automotive cybersecurity as a technology can be understood using Global Market Database. Systems like CSMS and its effect on the manufacturer’s cybersecurity are technologies that are anticipated to propel the market growth. Market research tools like Global Market Database procure regularly updated data that streamlines research. Therefore, industry officials can study the trends with the utmost ease.

These regulations would enable the business outlook in the automotive industry to enforce common cybersecurity practices. These practices are for the manufacture and production of vehicles. It enables the evaluation by third parties of adherence to practices and certification. Adherence to standards is demonstrated by industry actors for example in contractual agreements between OEMs and suppliers. The business outlook for the Global Automotive Cybersecurity market looks optimistic in the short and medium term.