Business Intelligence Tools for Organic Feed Market Analysis


Organic Feeds are plant animal-derived nutritional substances that are used to enhance growth. Based on raw materials, it is noted that there are two kinds of feeds usually, i.e. plant and animal-based feed. Typically animal feeds are bifurcated into two key segments, i.e. concentrates and roughages.

According to the market database, concentrates are noted to be high in energy value. They are majorly inclusive of fat, cereal grains, and their by-products. While roughages include pastures, grass, hays, silage, root crops, straws, etc. Market analysis suggests that on performing a competitive study most of Nothern America, as well as Northern Europe, grow crops like corn, barley, rye, and sorghums as animal feeds. A small portion of this produce is processed for human consumption as well. The grains are fed whole or ground either singly or mixed with high protein substances and other mineral products as well as by-products to produce adequate dietary supplements.

Organic Feed Vs Inorganic Feed

On studying the overall market for organic and inorganic feed, market analysis suggests that the total market for organic feeds is growing at a rampant rate. The increased focus on the derivation of food from organic sources translates to an increase in processing which suggests a direct increase in organic feeds. Inorganic feeds on the contrary are derived synthetically.

A direct example of the above statement would be an increase in demand for organic feed chicken owing to the rise in consumption of organically derived chicken-based products.  During the pandemic, a rampant increase in non-GMO-based chicken feed was witnessed. Owing to the spread of the virus, a major percentage of the population was noted to move towards organic production of food at their disposal. Hence the consumption of organic eggs, chicken, turkey, as well as dairy products were seen to increase thus translating to an increased demand for organic feed chicken.

Types of Crop Derived Organic Feeds

Owing to temperature and moisture conditions, the production of grains is noted to be seasonal. During the harvesting season, a whole year’s supply must be produced to avoid supply constraints. Market analysis for crop-based agriculture suggests that to avoid sprouting or molding, the grain is dried to retain moisture content of only 14 percent or less, after which it is stored in containers or buildings where insects and rodents cannot harm it. Crop failures are noted to be a common mishap in agriculture practices, it’s usually considered a safe idea to keep over a year’s yield at hand.

Vegetable seeds are produced as a primary source of oil. Its applications range from household chores to industries. Once these seeds are processed to extract oil, the residual content is known to possess 1-5% of fat. It is noted that roughly 20-50% of proteins are marketed as animal feeds. Cottonseed and peanuts have wood-like shells that are usually separated manually before processing. In case the hulls are left intact, the resulting by-product is then noted to have a higher fiber yet, lower protein and calorie content. As for Monogastrics, the meals are recorded to vary substantially in terms of protein content depending on the quantity as well as the availability of amino acids. Moreover, as per the market database, it is noted that for the rumen bacteria to create amino acids, ruminants require only protein or nitrogen sources.

Business Intelligence tools state that the demand for high protein feeds is noted to be high owing to the increased supplementation of nutrients offered by them. These substances offer added nutritional value to other inexpensive low-protein feeds like roughages and cereal grains. Added protein and amino acid is noted to improve productivity as well as efficiency associated with the growth of animals. Market analysis suggests that one of the preliminary parameters that affect the demand for supplements is the cost associated with them as well as the supply and availability of given produce. The supply in this case varies since crops are grown seasonally.

Business intelligence tools suggest that the sugar beet business is another prominent contributor to the animal feed market. Products and by-products such as beet tops, cane molasses, dried beet pulp, and beet molasses that are manufactured in sugar mills find application within this market. All the products have a common quality in terms of high nutritional value, i.e. high carbohydrates along with a good taste which can be an alluring quality in terms of pooling in a customer base.

Bagasse also known as stalk residue which is derived from sugarcane is noted to be fibrous, difficult to digest, and has a low feed value. Market analysis suggests that on performing a regional competitive mapping, beets and other roots are farmed as animal feed increasingly within Europe. Additionally, other low-cost by-products of the sugar industry such as citrus molasses and dried citrus pulp are frequently utilized as high-quality feed for cattle and sheep.

Organic feed milling is a common process that is employed to derive animal feeds. Market research tools suggest that a large segment of organic feeds are derived from by-products associated with the commercial processing of cereal grains for human consumption. Additionally, the market analysis states that wheat milling is a common organic feed milling method that is used to derive animal feeds. Wheat bran, wheat middlings, wheat germ meal, and organic feed mills such as wheat mill feed are the most common by-product feeds produced during wheat milling. Bakery wastes such as stale and leftover bread, rolls, and a variety of different pastry products are crushed and fed to pets and farm animals in some locations. Rice hulls and bran are obtained similarly from mills that polish rice for human consumption. Corn gluten meal, corn gluten feed, and hominy feed are by-products of starch production for industrial and food use.